Wednesday 5 January 2011

Final Opening Sequence.


  1. Hello Lia !
    your film opening is really great. I love how the music is really fast and upbeat and it really ties in with the film well.

    The storyline is very clear and the variety of camera angles you have used has made it very effective, it shows that you have planned it well and does not get boring to watch.

    I also like how you have used a slow motion effect when both the boys jump. it looks really effective.

    To improve maybe add more titles.

    But was fab :)

  2. Good variety of camera shots make all the shots different and interesting. Improve maybe try using some different angles to add more of an impact.

  3. I think that this opening sequence overall is a good piece of work. The font that have been used are good. The acting was well played. The story of the Opening sequence was well understood and it worked.

    Only thing that could maybe of been improved is adding different affects and using a more scary piece of music. Other than that very good piece of work.

  4. I really like this video. The music you picked ties in extremely well, and the timings for it are spot on. You have very strong actors in this, and you have used them well. You have varied on your camera angles, which is great.

    I'd say next time, add more close ups to add to the tension. Also you could add affects to help with making a more serious and scary feel.

  5. The music used for the opening sequence works well, apart from when it cuts out on the second shot. Also the ghost effect in the sleeping scene is really good and out of the box. The material all seemed appropriate to the theme, although sometimes some of the actors seemed a little out of character (for instance at one point I saw one of the actors laughing) so maybe that could be improved by cutting parts earlier. Other than that I think it is an effective opening and creates an impressive eery feeling which every horror film should.

  6. All of your camera angles are varied and all work well. I really like how the music you have chosen changes throughout the film, it creates a threatening atmosphere at all the right points. The effects you have used are really effective and you have made the story line clear throughout.
    I think more titles could have been added for improvement.

  7. Hello Lia,

    I find that your story had allot of emotion and the sound track the you have used emphasized on this however a few more camera angles for example close ups would of helped to add tension through the film opening.

    Lily’s Comments
