Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Opening Squence Evaluation Activity 6.

What have you learnt about tecnologies from the process of constructing this product?

Apple Mac Computers: This is the main piece of equipment I used to edit and transition my opening. The apple mac has all the programs and software needed to make my opening such as the 'adobe premiere pro' 'Adobe after effects' The internet which you can open blogger, youtube, google, wikipedia, which are all programs that helped towards my final opening.
The apple macs are a fairly new computer, which has high technology and allows things such as cameras to connect to the software to transfer our filming onto the computer to then put into adobe and edit. The software also takes USB memory sticks, headphones, and microphones, which is more help to making the opening as you can transfer work saved. Also microphones and headphones could be a great way or producing voice overs for your opening. Apple macs help to do work quickly and easily as the software with the mouse and keyboard and big screen is easy to use and the computer overall is a fast piece of technology which allows you to open different programs at the same time.

Tripods: This piece of equipment is a three legged piece which keeps the steady motion for the camera when the camera is placed and fixed on top of it. This piece of equipment is a great advantage to the person who is filming with a big camera as when holding it's quite tricky to hold a steady shot, with the tripod securely fixed to the camera the shots will be smooth and can be as fast or slow when filming as they want it to be.
Most of the shots in my film were with the tripod, this really helped as I could film without worrying about keeping the shot steady. It also helped as I could test out shots with it and see which one looked best for my opening. Although it's a big piece of equipment it folded up easily with the legs lifting up and down and the clips to secure it. It fitted in the bag and I could carry it easily to where I wanted to film.

Camera: The camera although being very big, was very easy to use with and without the tripod when filming. It had a handle at the top of the camera which helped keep hold of when filming to keep the shot steady and smooth. The camera has a lens cap, a touchscreen playback feature to choose to record, play or turn off the equipment. It also has a microphone to make the sound get picked up as clear and loud as possible. With the camera I could easily zoom in and out of my shots when I needed to. Overall the camera was a great piece of equipment to use and captured everything I needed and wanted to capture in the way I wanted to. 

These are the three main technologies I used to help film my film opening. The camera was fairly to work and film with, and the tripod helped to keep the shot steady whilst moving. Using adobe premiere pro is still a fairly tricky program to use but I am getting used to it as time goes on.

I mainly used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit and and transition my film. It was fairly straightforward but also quite time consuming and it is a program where I find you have to perfect it and make sure you do it to the best standard.

I also used Adobe after effects to edit the ghostly type effect into my opening. This is was quite tricky as I was just guessing and clicking different edits to see which one worked for my idea and which ones didn't.

Other programs I have used:

Blogger: Which is the program we use to show all of our work.
Youtube: This is how we present our film and the embedding code is copied and pasted onto our blog.
Itunes: We imported our music onto this program from a duty free site.

These are some examples of my timeline on Adobe premiere pro. The third example is from after effects which I had to use for the ghost effect.

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