Wednesday 12 January 2011

Opening Sequence Evaluation Activity 7.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

These are some frames from my final opening sequence of my film.

These are some frames I chose from my preliminary task.

Looking at both of these frames I feel I have progressed with camera shots and editing techniques. When filming the prelim task we used basic shots such as the match on action such as walking through the door and filming shutting it behind, such as the last frame on my prelim frames. Also we had to make sure the 180 degree was done in the right way as we need to make sure the two characters in the scene have the same left or right relationship with each other. With my prelim task I used close up shots, medium close ups, over the shoulder shots etc. With my film opening, I improved as I used most of the shots I used in the prelim and more. I used full body shots, medium-long shots, I used camera angles which would make the audience understand the film as easiest as they could by getting the whole view of the characters and what is happening in the opening.
I progressed a lot when doing my opening as I also used effects and different techniques to make my opening as interesting as it could be. For example on my third frame of my opening frames I used a slow motion edit to show the reaction of my character in a more dramatic way. I also used in the opening, the program Adobe after effects an edit where I edited a shot to make the main character of my story appear as a ghost in one of the haunting scenes as you can see in the fourth frame. 

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